
Below is a list of all FRINGE publications, conference posters, proceedings and presentations to date. 

Conference proceedings

  • Kalamara, A., Stamatelatos, I., Stefanopoulos, K., Grigalavicious, M., Theodossiou, T., & Lagoyannis, A. (2022). Neutron Dosimetry for In Vitro Biomedical Sample Irradiations. HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics28, 268–273.
  • Benítez, J. G., Blancafort, L., Bortoli, M., (2022) Simulation of electronic excitation in biomedical systems. Photophysical properties of Gd and Y porphyrins. GS 22 Girona Seminar Biocatalysis, Vol 596, 83. Link

Conference presentations (oral and poster)

FRINGE continuously reports its results and progress to the European Commission. Some of these reports (called “Deliverables”) are public and are made available for download here.

  • FRINGE website and logo (D6.1, submitted 13 July 2019, download)
  • Communication measures (D6.3, due 31 October 2023)
  • Mechanistic model for PS excitation (D4.2, due 30 April 2024)
  • Efficacy in cell cultures, spheroid 3D cell structures and experimental animals (D5.1, due 30 April 2024)
  • Publications and conference presentations (D6.4, due 30 April 2024)