Below is a list of all FRINGE publications, conference posters, proceedings and presentations to date.
Conference proceedings
- Kalamara, A., Stamatelatos, I., Stefanopoulos, K., Grigalavicious, M., Theodossiou, T., & Lagoyannis, A. (2022). Neutron Dosimetry for In Vitro Biomedical Sample Irradiations. HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics, 28, 268–273.
- Benítez, J. G., Blancafort, L., Bortoli, M., (2022) Simulation of electronic excitation in biomedical systems. Photophysical properties of Gd and Y porphyrins. GS 22 Girona Seminar Biocatalysis, Vol 596, 83. Link
Conference presentations (oral and poster)
- Kalamara, A., (NCSRD). Poster presentation “Neutron Dosimetry at HK-1 beam line of LVR-15 reactor for Biomedical Sample Irradiations”. 31st Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (HNPS-2023) in Athens, Greece on 29-30 September 2023.
- Kalamara, A., (NCSRD). Poster presentation “Neutron Dosimetry for In Vitro Biomedical Sample Irradiations”. 30th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (HNPS-2022) in Athens, Greece on 7-8 October 2022 September 2021.
- Benítez, J. G. (UDG). Poster presentation “Simulation of electronic excitation in biomedical systems. Photophysical properties of Gd and Y porphyrins”.Girona Seminar in Girona, Spain on 31 May-3 June 2022.
- Kalamara, A., (NCSRD). E-Poster presentation “Fast Neutron Beam Dosimetry Characterization for Biomedical Sample Irradiations”. 29th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (HNPS-2021) in Athens, Greece on 24-25 September 2021.
FRINGE continuously reports its results and progress to the European Commission. Some of these reports (called “Deliverables”) are public and are made available for download here.
- FRINGE website and logo (D6.1, submitted 13 July 2019, download)
- Communication measures (D6.3, due 31 October 2023)
- Mechanistic model for PS excitation (D4.2, due 30 April 2024)
- Efficacy in cell cultures, spheroid 3D cell structures and experimental animals (D5.1, due 30 April 2024)
- Publications and conference presentations (D6.4, due 30 April 2024)